
25 Easy-Peasy Skinny Bish Keto Recipes by Torrei Hart

I didn’t choose the Keto Lifestyle…the Ket Lifestyle chose me! I fell in love with the Keto lifestyle at a time in my life when I was struggling to lose weight in my late thirties. I had been fairly thin my entire life up until I got an injury playing racquetball at the age of 35. The doctor instructed me to stay off my ankle for a total of 3 weeks. I fell into depression because I was used to being active EVERY single day. During that month I had gained 13 pounds! That was the beginning of a downward spiral for me. At one point, I actually weighed the same amount that I was during my pregnancy with my daughter, Heaven. When I stepped onto the scale I couldn’t believe what I was seeing… 182 pounds! I had simply let myself go.

I began to notice that by simply cutting sugar and complex carbs out of my meals, I started to feel great! I began to lose weight, without starving my self and gained my confidence back. To know more about my journey and my favorite  high-protein recipes, download my eBook.